
Autumn Goodies

Even though the weather is still a bit warm here in Alabama, it is officially Fall! My favorite season. To celebrate, Craig and I put up the decorations we bought weeks ago (I’m a little overzealous I suppose), and started with the “charming” (if you remember my blog about the Big Decision) approach to Autumn.

I dont know why this picture is coming out sideways, but it's driving me crazy and is the only scarecrow picture I have :(

I love the scarecrow, but it still scares me EVERY time I walk past the front door. It’s not that it’s scary, in fact it looks more like a little woman than anything, it’s just startling to see someone on your front porch.

Since we love decorating so much, we decided to finish the spare bedroom last weekend, too. Craig and I both have a problem with shiftlessness – the weekends aren’t made for relaxing, they’re made for getting things done or going places!

Anyway, I’m very excited Fall is here, and my next project is creating a super-cool Halloween outfit….whatever it may be.

Oh, and I have fantastic news – Craig and I just booked pre-sale tickets (thank you Neil and American Express!) to see The Nutcracker at the New York City Ballet this winter! I cannot express how happy this makes me. I have been wanting to do this since I was sixteen years old, and Craig is making it happen for us :)  Did I mention we have first ring, first row tickets? Those are second best, following only the exclusive Orchestra sweet seats. I am so blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Your spare bedroom looks very welcoming! Any guest would love it :-)

    And Nutcracker! I'm so jealous!
